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Fukuoka is the startup hub of Japan, with proximity to Asian cities like Seoul, Taipei, and Shanghai. The city has a lot to offer foreign entrepreneurs with coworking spaces, initiatives, venture capital firms, accelerator programs, and many other su

Notable Startups
startup iconNulab Inc.
startup iconAnimoca Brands KK
startup iconKyulux
Top Coworking Spaces
startup iconCo-working & Co-learning Space Q
startup iconFabbit
startup iconYokaLab Tenjin
Top Accelerators
startup iconStartup City Fukuoka
startup iconFukuoka Growth Next
startup iconGlobal Challenge! STARTUP TEAM FUKUOKA
Notable Organizations
startup iconGlobal Startup Center
startup iconSTARTUP CAFÉ
startup iconFukuoka Foreign Investment Promotion Center
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Key Stats of the Fukuoka Startup Ecosystem

Rankings provided by
Top Industries
Energy & Environment icon
Energy & Environment
#150 worldwide
Social & Leisure icon
Social & Leisure
#154 worldwide
Hardware & IoT icon
Hardware & IoT
#160 worldwide
Ecosystem Rankings
National ranking
In Japan
Regional Ranking
In East Asia
Global Ranking

Fukuoka Ecosystem Landscape

Taxes and Incentives
    • Foreign entrepreneurs can benefit from the Startup Visa. Fukuoka City requires entrepreneurs to submit a business plan. During the one-year startup visa time frame, the city will evaluate the eligibility of the entrepreneur for the “Residential Status of Business Manager.” The key requirements are to have an office, at least two employees, or an investment portfolio of over JP¥ 5 million.

    • Foreign entrepreneurs can apply for financial aid for residential or office space. For the office space, Fukuoka City can fund 50% of rent up to JP¥ 50,000. For the residential space, 50% of the rent is subsidized up to JP¥ 70,000 each month.

    • Fukuoka City is designated as a National Strategic Zone. Startups based in the city can be exempted from Corporate Citizen Tax for up to 5 years for corporations younger than five years.

    • Fukuoka City Trial Certification helps some businesses to promote their products and services in catalogs and exhibitions. This certification may also exempt corporations from the open bidding process for contracts at the request of Fukuoka City.

    • One-Stop Center launched to make business applications easier. All required procedures can be completed online.

    Government Incentives

    • Startup Visasystem permits foreign entrepreneurs to receive a six-month “Business Manager” visa without fulfilling prerequisites.

    • Financial Aid for Renting Residential & Office Spaces: Foreign entrepreneurs with a promising business plan may be eligible to receive financial aid to be used for renting residential or office space within Fukuoka City (Applications are accepted once a year).

    • National Tax Reduction: Entrepreneurs who establish an innovative business in the National Strategic Special Zone (Fukuoka City)may be eligible to receive this tax reduction.

    • Step Up Subsidy is an annual business plan competition. The winners can win a prize of up to JP¥ 1 million.

    • Startup Funding is available for entrepreneurs with an established business in Fukuoka for two years. Qualified entrepreneurs can get a loan of up to JP¥ 35 million with 1.3% interest.

    • Bussiness Establish Support Program: Startup companies founded in the last five years that meet specific criteria may be eligible to receive subsidies according to their number of employees and the rental costs of their offices.

Read more about Fukuoka startup ecosystem

Why Fukuoka is a great City to live in

Fukuoka, with a population exceeding 5 million, is located on the southwestern island of Kyushu, nicknamed Japan’s gateway to Asia. It is the third largest city in Japan and home to the youngest population in the country. The vibrant nightlife, well-organized transportation system, and relatively low cost of living are just a few reasons to live in the city.

Why Fukuoka is a great city to live in
as of 2019
per capita
Cost of Living
per person and month
Read more about life in Fukuoka

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